Interview No. 147
Interview By: @The-Great-One
Today's guest is a remarkable game developer whose titles have given people great joy with Nodes, Break the TV, and Arcalona. His titles have also driven anger yet ultimate satisfaction in the end with The Unfair Platformer. His works can be found on mobile devices and throughout the Internet. I am pleased to welcome, @Eggy.
Q: How did you find Newgrounds and why did you join?
A: Like most kids I found Newgrounds in highschool in the golden era of Flash. Where Stick Death type animations were the most popular things online, I instantly took a liking to it and would watch stick animations and play stick games on Newgrounds.
Q: When and how did you become interested in video games and games in general?
A: To be honest I can't remember a time when I wasn't into video games! I was your usual nerd that would be on the console playing sega and N64 games all day everyday from a very young age. I remember being in love with N64 growing up. Specially platform games like Mario and Banjo Kazooie.
Q: What brought you to Albany?
A: Well I grew up in Albany, it's a very small town with not much to do really, which I later moved to Perth when older.
Q: What did you study at Great Southern Tafe Albany?
A: I studied multimedia. It was a combinatiom of Flash and 3d modeling. Though I was so far ahead in Flash then the teacher I end up teaching him some things and I finished making my game Nodes in class due to finishing the work quickly.
Q: What stories could you tell us about school life at North Albany Senior High School?
A: It was your pretty standard High School I'd say. Mostly being bored and standing around extremely cold in the weather from Albanys terrible weather. I used to always finish my work quickly to get onto the computer to play flash games and java games. I used to look up Flash Tutorials when I should have been working instead which is how I slowly learned to make games by slacking off from actual schoolwork!
Q: What brought you from Albany to Perth?
A: As I got older to 22, I needed a fresh start as I was sick of the small town with not much to do and lack of jobs. So I moved to Perth for a new life. Where I found myself a job in Poker and had a lot more to do up there.
Q: All games matter when being a game maker. Whether it be board games or video games. How did you come to be a Tournament Director for the Australian Poker League and the Perth Poker League? What experience have you gained from these leagues that you could possibly attribute to your game making?
A: I have always loved the game of Poker. Specially when betting for real money. The games rules are simple, but it takes a lifetime to master due to how much information there is available in reading people and there bets. I find it very fun and interesting. It's also exciting. It's a great game for being social as well, so I can meet new people while competing my wits against theres. So eventually after playing it a lot and getting quite good I applied for the job and got it. They were fun jobs. I worked in over 30 different pubs and clubs around Perth hosting poker, and even a strip club at one point. That was a fun event to host each week. I've learned a lot about people during this experience and also how a simple game can evolve into a complex game. It's interesting that a simple card game can still be as complex as video games we have today when you delve into it. It teaches me that the Meta-Game is very important.
Q: Your first game on Newgrounds is entitled Soul Fishing. What can you tell us about the process in making it? Looking back on it, how much would you say you've grown over time?
A: Soul Fishing was finished in high school when I was slacking off from my computer work. It was my first ever game to have a proper start and end. It was a big learning experience showing me the potential on what I could achieve in Flash. I've definitely hugely grown from that game. It's crazy to think that was over 12 years ago now. I feel old!
Q: Nodes is a creative spin on connect the dots. How did you come up with this idea?
A: I came up with the idea by experimenting in coding on drawing lines using programming. After I managed to program singles lines that would auto update between two nodes I thought to myself...hmm how could I make this a game... and then it clicked. By making it a puzzle!
Q: Before we go any further with this, I would like to say that up to this point, you can't deny... this has been a good interview. Now we come to the first game I ever played by you. The Unfair Platformer. All I have to say you about this game is this... Fuck... You. I have beaten this game in the past, and now that there are medals I have to beat it again. When I interviewed mirosurabu and Xerus in the past, I got to ask mirosurabu about Tower of Heaven and Depict1, two games known for their difficulty, traps, and changing the rules. What possessed you to bring forth such evil onto the world?
A: Haha yes, very good interview sir. *Tips hat and sips wine* The Unfair Platformer is definitely my most popular game and my most hated. I must say it was one of the most funnest games I had the pleasure of making. Theres something extremely fun about turning the level design rules on there head and just saying "Nah, take this instead!" Maybe I am a bit evil for taking such delight in peoples anger?
Q: Silly Chicken is a fun and yet difficult game. I loved the humor in it. Where did the story come from for this game? What was the process in making it a reality?
A: I felt like making a small cute game based on a chicken since my logo is Eggys Games. Also the story on him being in love with someone online was based on a girl that I had a close relationship with online at the time and I could never see her because she lived in America. I decided to dedicate a game to her and she loved it!
Q: A Rube Goldberg machine if I ever saw one, Break the TV. Many humans are fascinated by Rube Goldberg machines, I imagine you are as well. What gave you the idea to put it into game form? How hard was it to get each moment right while still making it a puzzle?
A: I had actually never heard of Rube until now, I will definitely look him up! I have made a few puzzle games over the years. I spose the idea was based on having a lot of objects interact with each other. It wasn't too hard to design levels as I just make them in a linear fashion by letting each thing need the next to work but also allowing multiple answers to each puzzle.
Q: We now come to the grandeur of it all, Arcalona. You said it took over a year to make, when did you start, when did you end, what were the trials and tribulations that went into it?
A: Yes my most recent game and my biggest! I started in 2016 and only released late 2017. It was huge, with over 48 items, 36 enemies and over 10,000 lines of code. It was just massive and each thing took a long time. I got very stressed along the way and just needed to get it done from having it loom over my head. Stress really gets involved in bigger projects due to always thinking about it and remembering all the pieces to put together. Flash also isn't very equipped to handle bigger games like this, so a few bugs and glitches started happening that were very strange. Hence it's my last Flash game and moving onto other programs.
Q: One of the movies I saw here on Newgrounds at an early age was entitled The Best Flash Ever. Watching it then, I thought it was funny, today I still think it's funny. The question is though, where did you get the idea for this?
A: I remember making this in only one night! I was drunk and took the idea from movie trailers over-dramatizing their adverts so I decided to parody it and put it all together and it turned out quite funny!
Q: How and when did you pick up the guitar? How long have you been playing? Will we get any pieces from you in the Audio Portal?
A: Guitar is a side hobby of mine, though I'm not that great still. Not as good as I am at game making. I just dabble here and there and have fun playing songs that I enjoy listening too. I'm not sure if I will ever release anything on the audio portal I'm afraid. Maybe one day Ill get better!
Q: What advice do you have to give to those looking to get into games or to those looking to expand their games to mobile devices?
A: Basically choose the latest program out or one you are comfortable with making games and then just practice and practice. You need to keep at it and keep making resources for yourself. Force yourself to finish things and learn as much as possible and make as much as possible. Unity is a great new engine for getting onto mobile I would recommend that.
Q: What can we expect from Eggy in the future?
A: I am now learning Unity. I have finished with Flash and now intend to make more 3D based games or at least better 2D ones. It will take a while for me to adapt to the new program and coding language but you should expect a much bigger 3D egg based adventure in the future. My dream is now to make something like Banjo Kazooie after seeing what Unity can do. Keep an eye out for my next best thing!
Eggy is certainly a hardworking individual, anyone who doubts that is a fool. To see how he can be a game machine and for just over a year to produce an RPG simulation game on a professional level, within over one year? That is amazing. He can only grow to the heavens in terms of his skills. Soon he will be teaching others the craft, and the lucky, will be the students.