Interesting how the most elaborate questions seem to garner the shortest answers, and vice versa. :) Wouldn't have minded long-winded tangents on all but this really is both informative and concise on all points. Interview answers like a boss!
Regarding the potential spiritual successor to classic Flash, a while ago it seemed like Wick Editor just might take that place... hope they're still gearing onward; striving to be the replacement that both gives you unlimited potential to do whatever you want but also be so simple to use that anyone can really get into it and have fun right away. Feels like that's still a strength with Flash that similar software has difficulty replicating, and though also somewhat buggy that balance of simplicity/functionality was at its heyday back in the Macromedia era... do wonder sometmes if I'm just stuck in the past or if a lot of things really were so much better before we had all these standards and new technologies to cater to with even the simplest things...
Anyway: Great interview! Nightmare cops hype! Suitable Ruffle plug and
useful surmisation on the NG situation as of present day! The more Supporters gather the more incentive to be one too, hopefully no-brainer peer pressure on a steady rise...
I love how you added in the tags "our-lord-and-savior"